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Thursday, 9 May 2013

After slow start ski resorts nationwide bounces back - Black Hawk Adventures

According to a report from the National Ski Industry Association, ski areas across the nation saw strong business during the 2012-13 seasons.

Although the rise in the Rocky Mountain region is just about 1.9 percent, Skier visits rose 11 percent in the United States.

In southwest Colorado the season started slowly, but picked up after the holidays.

"Despite the slow start to the season, overall Durango Mountain Resort was about on par with last season," said Kim Oyler, spokeswoman for the southwest Colorado resort.

"Thanks to help from Mother Nature and our mountain operations crew, Durango Mountain Resort was able to extend the season one additional weekend and closed on April 7," she said.

U.S. resorts experienced slow starts be subsequent to a strong snowfall in mid-December.

Comparing to December last year snowfall for December this year nearly tripled.  And compared to 2012, snowfall was weaker in January, strong in February and about even in March,.

"It started real late," said Richard Bodiford, co-owner of End Industries, an Aztec shop that rents ski equipment. "We missed a lot of Christmas break business, but the middle picked up all right."

The Four Corners was blanketed with snow soon after Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort closed on April 7, the final insult indicates.

"We got some in early March and after the season closed it's been snowing left and right all over Colorado," Bodiford said.

The winter was the eighth-best for the Rocky Mountain region in the past 34 years, the report said. The association did not release data for individual resorts.

The national survey of resorts spotted other trends:

Snowboarding was down for the third straight winter. In 2012-13, snowboarders made up 29.6 percent of total visits.

Season pass sales dropped as more skiers bought daily tickets. Average season pass sales fell 4.3 percent.

Ticket prices rose. The average adult weekend ticket cost $86.17, up 4.3 percent.
Snow sports remain popular, but resorts face a variety of challenges, the report said.

"The popularity of skiing and snowboarding remains high, but weather conditions, economic headwinds, competition from other leisure activities, and other factors are contributing to the challenges ski areas face," the report said.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Ski Safety Tips for Beginners - Black Hawk News - Adventures Guide

One of the most popular and maybe the most needed safety gear is helmet but one of the best skiing safety tips is really a matter of personal choice - to wear, or not to wear.  Although it isn’t really mandated, it is encouraged to use helmet.

Unquestionably skiers should be just as cautious if you think about those who usually wear protective headgear, namely football and baseball players, construction workers, horseback riders, rock climbers, bicyclers, auto racers, and motorcycle riders.  The most important safety gear for skiers is helmet and as well as the following.

You will definitely enjoy it more and will have much more fun on the slopes if you're in good shape. Exercise in advance and work your way up to skiing by exercising constantly year-round.

Use proper ski equipment and don't just borrow equipment. Rent from a ski shop or the ski resort and make sure that the shop is legit.  When purchasing equipment, be certain your ski boots are fitted properly as it should be. In any case, confirm your bindings are properly adjusted.

Get ready for the weather.  Be dressed in layers of clothes and put on a helmet liner, a hat, or a headband.  Also put on gloves or mittens.  Always carry an extra pair lest the first pair gets wet.

Acquire proper instruction. Either individual or group Sign up for ski lessons. Experienced skiers still polish up their skills with a lesson every now and then.

Ski goggles are also important.  Put on ski goggles that perfectly fit around your helmet. There are goggles for those who wear eyeglasses, buy goggles that fit comfortably over your eyeglasses or you may also consider prescription goggles but it would me a bit costly.

If you're exhausted, take a break and rest for a short time in the lodge.  As you're resting, ensure you eat and drink enough.  Although done in ice, skiing burns a lot of energy! At what time it's the end of the day, there's no need to attempt and obtain in a final run, or two, if you are tired.  It's okay and in fact better to stop as you're ahead and spare your energy for next time.

Ski with a friend or with a group; it's at all times safer to ski with a friend so he can watch out for you and you watch out for him too.  Appoint a meeting area if in some point you lost each other and walkie-talkies will come handy so you could stay in touch.

Respect your limits. Do not ski trails that are on top of your skill level.  Do not go off-trail.  At the same time, maintain to be in control of your skis and the trail you are skiing should be the center of your attention. Accidents happen more often when you lost guard.
Obey the rules.  Comply with posted trail closure and other warning signs.  Remember that there are skiers who are in front of you, and below you, on the trail have the right-of-way.